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Unstoppable Robot Ninja

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A Beep Apart

One is ecstatic—nay, friggin‘ thrilled to report that one has been invited to speak again at An Event Apart Boston 2008. While one is replacing the irreplaceable Dan Cederholm, one promises to put on a good show. And to use proper first person pronouns.

Hope to see you at AEA. ’Twill rock.

This is a blog entry posted on day 11191 in the Journal.

4 comments posted.


  1. Dale Cruse says:

    One is excited and thinks congratulations are owed.

    Wow, that’s awkward. Congrats, Ethan!

  2. Scott says:

    Good on ya Ethan! Hm, that might just be in time for a family road trip…

  3. Keith LaFerriere says:

    Nice job, man. I’ll get my rubber band launcher ready. Wait. I shouldn’t have put that into writing.

  4. Brad Dielman says:

    Congratulations, Ethan. Hoping I’ll be able to make it to AEA Boston this year.

This was Ethan Marcotte’s Unstoppable Robot Ninja.

You are welcome.

Design and content © 2020 Ethan Marcotte. All rights reserved.

Photo copyright © Marvel Comics.

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