The Robot Needs Storage.
I’m currently in the market for a new external hard drive, and thought I’d poll the hive mind Internet for suggestions. I currently have a 250GB LaCie disk, which (scarily) is starting to fill up. I’d normally rush out and just nab another FireWire drive, but I think I’d like something networkable this time ’round—however, I don’t have much experience with such things, and could use a few recommendations.
As for specifics, there really aren’t any beyond the above. I’m shopping for something in the neighborhood of a terabyte, though I don’t have byte envy: a quality product’s more important. I’d typically consider Apple’s admittedly sexy-looking Time Capsule dealie, but it doesn’t seem to be enjoying the best reviews at the moment.
So, the question: What hard drive would you buy, and why?
Responders will be spared from The Robot’s unceasing, human-smashing wrath. For now.