Call me Julie McCoy.
Boston-area web people. Dust off your social calendars, for there is a super-exciting entry to be inscribed therein:
The Markup & Style Society is back, after a fashion. Dan and I will be cohosting an event with the infamous Build Guild, the Salem-based bon vivants who bring us North Shore-centric coding, conviviality, and cognacs. Why the match-up, you ask? Well, my young, tricornéd friend, none other than Eric “Freaking Eric Meyer” Meyer will be visiting the Boston area during that week, and not one but two area organizations are required to slake his mighty social thirsts.
(I have no goddamned idea what that means. Moving on.)
So, to wit: if you are so moved to attend, do RSVP via this handy inter-net page, upon which further details can be found. There is no limit for replies in the affirmative, so we hope to see many of you there.
On a wholly unrelated note, the M&SS is now entwittered. Follow that fhit with a quicknefs, fon.